In-House Worship Sunday Mornings
at 9:00 a.m.
St. John is a welcoming and active multi-cultural Christian community that works together to live and proclaim God’s word, seeks to learn and grow spiritually, and is devoted to valuing differences and serving others in Christ’s name.
St. John is a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its Metropolitan DC Synod. We have been worshiping and serving in Riverdale MD and nearby communities since 1922.
Our worship style is somewhat traditional in form, yet informal in spirit and dress. We basically follow a worship format as provided in the Lutheran books of worship, but we strive to be user friendly by providing worship booklets that are easy to follow. Generally speaking, we stand to sing or pray, and we sit to listen to scripture readings and a sermon. Most worship services include the celebration of Holy Communion (also referred to as the Lord’s Supper, the Holy Eucharist, or the Mass). All who have communed in other congregations, regardless of denomination, are welcome to come forward to the altar and share in this meal of life; directions for receiving the bread and wine are provided in the worship booklet. St. John has kneelers available, so some worshipers kneel for the confession and/or for receiving Holy Communion, but worshipers are encouraged to use whatever posture is most comfortable for them. The St. John congregation really enjoys singing and we include a variety of styles: traditional hymns, African American spirituals, and contemporary Christian pop, as well as songs with other national origins (Hispanic & African).
We hope you will join us for worship some Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Whether you are looking for a church home or just visiting, we pray that St. John will be a blessing in your life.